Surya Prakash Tadepalli

Jai Surya Global Healthcare Center, India


Introduction: Up until recently, it was thought that cancer may strike without warning. Now, however, we know that each type of cancer has a specific cause, so let's see whether we can treat them all separately. We can now pinpoint the causes of every type of cancer as well as the most effective methods for curing and preventing it. Let's also discuss the various types of cancer, their causes, and therapies. Objective: In the past, no one had ever heard of cancer; today, the word "cancer" is heard frequently everywhere in the world. Amidst the bewildering chaos, an enigmatic and previously unknown malignancy has emerged, resembling a monstrous entity that relentlessly expands and devours its victims across the globe. This unprecedented cancerous surge has caused widespread alarm, leaving everyone searching for answers about its origins and modes of transmission. Though it comes with multifaceted causes, unraveling its secrets may hold the key to preventing its catastrophic spread, as in the past, it was believed to strike without reason, leaving no hope for a cure in its wake. Methods: However, we are now at a point where we can explain the causes of many different types of cancer, which means that when we know the reason of a disease, we can cure it with confidence and take preventative measures to avoid it. Knowing the origins of cancer makes it fairly simple to both treat and prevent it. Since nature did not appear out of thin air, every medicine that we use today also comes from our planet. Similar to this, nature has provided alkaloids that can readily prevent and treat cancer. We are only now learning about these naturally occurring alkaloids. Results: However, none of the medical plants or alkaloids that are currently available are hazardous to human life. These are right in front of us, yet no one knows if they can cure cancer. Some medicinal plants are simple to recognize, while others require the assistance of plant identification experts. However, some natural alkaloids are not only extraordinarily therapeutic but also irreversible. Conclusion: Whatever it was in the past, there is now an explanation for everything, and relevant treatment techniques and preventive measures are available. We can now determine the causes of all cancers as well as the best approaches to treat and prevent them. Let's also go over how to identify each type of cancer, as well as its causes and therapies. As a result, the time has arrived for people to stop worrying about the cancer epidemic. To avoid this malignancy in the future, it is sufficient to take preventative measures.
