Otokore Garou Louis-Herve

Ministry Of Health, Public Hygiene And Universal Health Coverage, Ivory Coast


Introduction The SAN PEDRO health district reported 394 suspected cases of measles and 29 laboratory-confirmed cases of measles from January to March 2024. Faced with this outbreak of cases, the Departmental Director of Health of San Pedro instructed investigation missions of measles cases from April 2 to 6, 2024 in all health areas that reported cases. Methods Descriptive cross-sectional study of confirmed measles cases and their case-contacts carried out in the SAN PEDRO health district. The tools mainly used were the linear list of cases and the contact case registration form. The investigation took place in two phases, namely the active search for cases not notified in the consultation register and the search for cases in the community. The data were collected and analyzed with Epi Info 7 and Excel software. Results A PIC of 7 cases in week 9 of the epidemiological calendar and another in week 11 with 11 cases was noted. This period corresponds to the period from the end of February to March of the year 2024. The centers of the SAN PEDRO sub-prefecture notified a total of 18 confirmed cases, or 62% of the cases. The sex ratio was 1F/1.6M. 55% of the confirmed cases were in the 0 to 4 year age group. 10 people out of the 29 were vaccinated against measles with a single dose. 93 contacts cases were recorded during the survey. Their sex ratio was 1M/1F. 43.01% and were in the age group of 0 to 4 years. 5 cases confirmed by epidemiological link were detected among the contact cases. A total of 34 confirmed cases were recorded in this period. Conclusion Strengthening the active search for measles cases in the consultation register and coaching health area managers on MPE case definitions will reduce measles outbreaks.
